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河北龙凤山铸业有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 36896 人关注


公司规模: 1000人以上

公司性质: 民营企业

所属行业: 铸造其它

所在地区: 河北-邯郸市-武安市

公司地图: 河北省 武安市 崇义二街村南  河北龙凤山铸业有限公司

公司福利: 技能培训 扁平管理 管理规范 岗位晋升 免费班车 弹性工作 包住 包吃 带薪年假 年底双薪 全勤奖




龙行环球  凤鸣九天

Dragon runs cross the world, Phoenix sings in the sky


Brief Introduction


Established in 1999 and located in an ancient Chinese capital city Handan, Heibei Longfengshan (means Dragon and Phoenix Mountain) Casting Industry Co., Ltd is the biggest producer of high purity foundry pig iron, super high purity pig iron and special metal materials in the world.  


At present, Longfengshan has two 800 m3 blast furnace with corollary equipment, six large-scale and super-long pig-casting machines and world most advanced secondary iron melt refine treatment equipment. Production capacity achieves two million tons of high purity foundry pig iron and super high purity pig iron and the total assets amounts to 5.1 billion yuan. At present, Longfengshan has over 2,100 employees, including 30 most famous Chinese experts in blast smelting and foundry technology, and 587 engineers and technicians.


Longfengshan applies independently researched and developed "Three Refinement Method", that is fine pretreatment of raw materials, refine smelting and secondary iron melt refine treatment, to make high purity foundry pig iron and super high purity pig iron. These high quality pig irons have filled the gaps in homemade pig irons and realized replacement for imported products. During the production process, whole process quality control and many very strict standards are performed. The pig irons made by this process contain very low harmful elements, very small variation in chemical composition, therefore, are irreplaceable materials for high end castings.

为贯彻落实“中国制造2025”和“钢铁行业调整升级规划(2016 – 2020 年)”的国家战略布局,龙凤山依托自身产品、装备、技术优势,瞄准金属新材料国内、国际高端市场。通过炉外精炼处理,对高纯铁水进行深度脱磷、脱硫、脱锰、脱钒、脱钛,开发出超高纯生铁和亚共晶生铁。产品主要应用于核电锻用钢、低压转子锻用钢、轴承钢、帘线钢等特殊用途钢的高端优质原料。以超前思维,不断创新,打造中国高端装备制造业金属新材料供应基地。

In order to implement national strategic layout on “China Manufacturing 2025” and “Iron and Steel Industry Adjustment and Upgrading Plan(2016-2020)”, Longfengshan, based on its advantages of products, equipment and technologies, aims at home and international high end market for new metal materials. Through secondary iron melt refine treatment and deep dephosphorization, desulfurization, removal of manganese, vanadium and titanium, super high purity pig iron and hypoeutectic pig iron were developed successfully. These products mainly used as special purposed high quality raw materials for forge steel for nuclear power, forge steel for low pressure rotor, bearing steel, tire cord steel and other special purpose steels. With forward thinking and continuous innovation, the company is constructing a new metal materials supply base for China's high-end equipment manufacturing industry.    

龙凤山着力奉行 “用户为天、质量为命、科技为翼、创新为魂”的核心理念,与广大用户携手合作,共同助推中国由制造大国转向制造强国。

Longfengshan adheres to a core concept in which customer is the first, quality is the life, science and technology are the wing, innovation is the soul, and works closely with customers to promote to transform China from big manufacturing country to strong manufacturing country. 

职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
销售工程师 邯郸市 不限 3年以上 不限   若干 5000以上 月薪 2022-07-11   展开
国际贸易专员 邯郸市 不限 不限 不限   若干 3000以上 月薪 2022-07-11   展开