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广州市泰诚船舶工业有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 57510 人关注


公司规模: 100 - 499人

公司性质: 私营企业

所属行业: 船舶配套

所在地区: 广东-广州市-海珠区

公司地图: 广州市海珠区新港东路2842号  广州市泰诚船舶工业有限公司






一、 船舶工程:


二、  船舶配件供应:

1. 减摇鳍。公司与哈尔滨工程大学合作,开发并生产了一系列高质量的减摇鳍。

2. 艇架:公司生产各类艇架,与哈尔滨工程大学合作,开发并生产了国际上先进的波浪补偿型艇架;

3. 各种标准的和非标准的船用门、窗、盖、梯、金属家具、内装壁板、天花板、卫生单元、船用椅凳、锚泊系泊舾装设备。

4. 天龙船用轴承华南地区销售总代理。天龙船用轴承已获得ABS、DNV、NK、LR、BV、CCS等主要船级社的认可。公司已为400多艘船上提供该轴承及服务,船东反映良好。

三、 船舶内装材料制造加工及施工:




1.    各种规格铝蜂窝板、铝质天花板、各种规格装饰铝修口线及铝型材;

2.    舾装铝质门及窗、舱室门,

3.    铝蜂窝板家私:办公台、衣柜、床、沙发、电视柜

4.    不锈钢厨柜;

5.    卫生间单元。

6.    船用PVC地板。

公司承接过的内装工程船舶有: “MV CT NEPTUNE”豪华邮轮、“椰香公主”豪华客滚船、 “中国海警102”舰、“中国渔政301”、“中国渔政303”、中国最大吨位载机渔政船“中国渔政310”等。

四、 技术服务:

a)    船舶监修/造;

   主要从事船舶监理、技术咨询、鉴定等技术服务工作,为船东提供从新造船的初期技术谈判、商务谈判,到图纸审核、认可、现场监造直到验收的一整套服务。公司拥有船体、轮机、电气、无损检测以及合同管理等不同专业技术人员数十人,其中有高级工程师五名,工程师十多名,这些专业工程技术人员均具有丰富的实践经验和多年从事船舶的资历。 长期的船舶监造经历,使他们积累了非常丰富的船舶监造经验,并对国内数十家大、中型船厂的生产组织、工艺标准、施工质量、管理模式等方面的情况十分熟悉,这些优势不仅使他们能够出色地完成谈判、审图、监造等技术性工作,而且实践证明他们有力地配合了船东在船厂有效开展工作,并最大限度地维护船东利益,与我公司合作的船东均给予了充分的肯定和赞赏。监造的船舶有:驳船、拖船、吸沙船、货船、自升式钻井平台、交通船、400m3绞吸式挖泥船、350人交通船、2545门式起重机起升机构和行走机构、30吨浮吊起升机构、3000吨浮船坞、北欧渔船、海关船、海军舰艇、053、054、导弹驱逐舰、导弹护卫舰等等。

b)    船用设备维修和检测


五、 船务管理:


六、 ISMNSMISO咨询服务,海事公证检验,海上业务咨询:

本着:“节约成本,节省时间,保证质量” 的服务宗旨,我司咨询部提供下列服务:体系文件编写;运作指导培训,运作期检查督促;协助申请和审核。至今,已成功为:2家化学品船航运公司建立ISM;1家液化气船航运公司、6家油船航运公司、3家集装箱航运公司、3家疏浚航道航务有限公司建立NSM;为2家船务公司、2家船舶修造厂、4家船用产品制造厂建立ISO9001体系。接受我司各类管理体系咨询协助的企业,全部能一次性通过主管机关审核,获得认证证书。

七、 游艇:




如果您需要我们的服务,请随时与我们联系:电话:+86 020 84144413-830,84215070,传真:+86 020 84149391,手机:+86 139 0220 9505 ,邮箱:shiptc@163.com

Brief Introduction To Guangzhou Taicheng Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd (China)

Guangzhou Taicheng Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd is located near Xinzhou Ferry of South-easternGuangzhou, close to CSSCguangzhouHuangpu Shipbuilding Company Limited, north toHuangpuPort, South toGuangzhouHigherEducationMegaCenter, with convenient water and land transportation to the five international airports:Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Hong Kong andMacao. Established in 2002 as a technology service company, within 8 years the company now has one shipyard, one marine equipment factory, one marine outfitting & decoration factory and one survey & supervision team. The company has been approved by CCS and runs in accordance with ISO 2008. Many products have been approved by the class. Now the business coversChina,Hong Kong,Taiwan,Greece,England,Singapore,South Korea,Japan,Russia,Indiaand Norway etc.

Major business activities including:

I.              Ship Engineering

New building, dockyard repairs, voyage repairs,thickness-measuring of hull,non-destructive detection,surface treatment by laser.

II.            Marine Equipment Supply

1. Stabilizers: in cooperation withHarbinEngineeringUniversity, series of stabilizer of high quality are developed and produced;

 2. Davits: all kinds of davits, in cooperation withHarbinEngineeringUniversity, series of advanced wave compensation devices are developed and produced;

3. All kinds of standard/non-standard marine doors, windows, ladders, metal furnitures, interior panel, ceilings, sanitary units, chairs and seats, mooring and unmooring equipment etc.

4.  The general agent of Tianlong bearing, which has approved by ABS, DNV, NK, LR, BV, CCS etc. We’ve supplied the bearings for over 300 hundred units of vessel and have earned our reputation from the owners.

III.           Manufacturing / Construction of Interior Material for

Integrated and specialized in designing and construction of marine outfitting. The company works with marine interior light material of fireproof type, honeycomb panel and aluminum trim of the newest type and undertakes furnishing work for all kinds of vessels.

There are many advantages to application of honeycomb panel in wall panel, ceiling and furniture, such as: light weight, non-water-sucking, impact resistant, corrosion resistant, elegant appearance, environmental protection and ametabolic etc. For marine decoration of high requirements on the weight, honeycomb panel is the best material.

Major business activities including manufacturing of:

1.  Lightweight interior furnishing materials, e.g. Al.Honeycomb panel, Al. ceiling strip, Al. extruded trim section;

2. Accessories e.g. Al. doors and framed windows, cabin interior doors;

3. Furniture & fittings of honeycomb panel, e.g. desks, cabinets, bed, cupboard, seatings, TV sets;

4. S.s. galley & outfittings;

5. Toilet & accommodation modules;

6. PVC floor

IV.          Technology Service

a)     Shipbuilding Supervision:We offer the service such as new building supervision, technology consultancy and technical evaluation and a comprehensive suite of service including the initial technical negotiation, business negotiation, drawings approval, supervision in-situ and final acceptance. We have tens of technicians specialized in hull, machinery, electronic and non-destructive detection, among them there are five senior engineers and more than ten engineers. Our technicians have rich experience in marine field and good knowledge of production organization, workmanship and management method in tens of large/middle-scale shipyard inChina. By now they have undertaken the supervision work for flowing vessels: barges, tugs, sand sucker, cargo ship, self-elevating drilling vessel, accommodation ship,400m3cutter suction dredger, floating dock, northEuropefishing vessel, customs boat, naval ships etc.

b)     Equipment/System Service: detection and maintenance for communication and navigation system, lifesaving system, life raft and fire extinguishing appliance

V.           Shipping ManagementShip management, crew management, Repair Agency.

VI.          Consultancy on ISMNSMISOMarine Surveyor and Marine Business

Aimed to “Save the costs and time and ensure the quality”, we offer the consultancy as follows: compile of system documents, training on operation, supervision during the operation period and assistance in application and approval. By now we have established NSM for liquefied gas carrier shipping line, tanker shipping line, container shipping line and dredging /port construction company, and ISO 9001 for shipyards and marine products manufactories.

Paints, engine parts (new parts and second-hand parts), communication equipment.


For years we have built friendship with many owners and have earned our reputation from the shipyards and owners by our service.

Stick to the quality of the principle of 'Quality-oriented, credibility first, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction”, we are looking forward to your visiting and guidance.

Please feel free to contact us by (tel) +86 020 84144413-830  84215070,(fax) +86 020 84149391,(mobile) +86 139 0220 9505 Email:shiptc@163.com.


职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
生产主管 广州市 不限 3年以上 男   1 8000-12000 月薪 2022-05-25   展开
成本预算分析 广州市 本科及以上 3年以上 不限   1 5000-10000 月薪 2022-04-16   展开
经营主管 广州市 不限 5年以上 不限   1 8000-15000 月薪 2022-04-20   展开
轮机电器主管 广州市 本科及以上 3年以上 不限   2 5000-15000 月薪 2022-04-03   展开
船舶内装设计师 广州市 本科及以上 3年以上 不限   2 5000-15000 月薪 2022-04-03   展开